Saturday, December 10, 2011

This man should be ...

The phrase "real man" at least once in his life made use of every woman. Approximately 30% of it was something like, "Honey, I'm proud of you! You're a real man! ", And the remaining 70%, Alas - something meaningful, grumbling:" This man should be .... " How?

No, well, in fact, what should be a real man? Strong and brave, kind, generous, beautiful and sexy? Or maybe all at once?
This man should be ... or touches to the portrait of a real man

This man should be ...

1. Even though he'd just have to be! Remember a joke about the perfect man? He does not drink, smoke, gives to his wife ... and wages do not exist! Some women believe that a real man - the myth, the legend. Unfortunately, these women have not yet met him ...

2. Courageous, strong, powerful and persistent. These four qualities - every woman's dream. Be it 1000 times a feminist, a woman would never admits that she likes strong men's arms, commanding voice that brooked no opposition and courageous actions.

Some men think that masculinity and, for example, the release of waste - radically opposite and totally incompatible concepts. And in vain ...

3. The gallant, courteous, polite, attentive. In short, a real gentleman! Next to this, any girl feel at least a queen high - a goddess. And it all takes care of itself from such, gives the coat, gives flowers, pushes the chair. You look at him and think: "Well, when will fly off the mask and you, my dear, you will become obscenely loud swearing knottiness me in the locker room ...." And he continues to bring you breakfast in bed, and slowly you start to believe in a fairy tale: a real man should be just like that!

4. Scoop on the emotions, sentiments, conversations about feelings and tears. Not so long ago from all the speakers raced: "Boys Do not Cry, it's not cool!". And fathers, looking at their newborn children, hid avaricious man's tears, and the young guys, looking romantic film, hastily retreated to the kitchen and pretended to be too busy.

5. Kind and caring. This is entirely the wish of women. Perhaps men do not consider themselves "true" if the pull on your favorite scarf in cold weather or care about the homeless kitten at the entrance. But the women appreciate such qualities and are able to forgive a lot for a man. And if a man washes the dishes during the day, he will get his night. A woman who inspired his care gave him an unforgettable night, during which it will do its utmost delight, compliment and admire them.

But men are so susceptible to flattery ...

6. Responsible, visionary, competent in various areas, is able to make decisions. At such a man can expect in any situation, whether it be a fire without a match or a trip to the extreme conditions. He always has a solution to the problems, but even if that decision is not - a man he would soon be found.

If you ask this man to take his son out of kindergarten, you can be sure that it:

A) will take the child.

B) will take your child.

B) will take your child and do not forget it on the road.

In addition, it takes into account women's views, not ignore them, but in the end the last word still remains for him. After all, this man must be a man!

7. It developed endurance and stamina, he is not afraid of difficulties and overcomes them. Well, judge for yourself, will the real men to avoid military service, or hard physical work? And if, God forbid, he gets sick? The man will be offended by the whole world and will support their families and friends, joke, laugh and do all for a speedy recovery? Even if you have to work overtime, a real man will never blame my wife that she was "sitting on his neck." This man provides a family. And the point.

Generally, there are many stereotypes about what should be or not be a real man and that should and what should not do it. You may ask: "Who comes up with all this?". Of course we women. In this way we are trying to convey to the stronger sex to our expectations.

Show me one woman who would be genuinely happy with her husband - a henpecked, a nurse and a weakling? Therefore, at all angles, we yell, "This man should be ..." and the list goes on: strong, brave, intelligent, kind. After all, no one but a real woman knows how to be her man.

But it seems to me that this man should be what it wants to see a particular woman. Talk to each other. Find out the expectations, goals, plans and dreams. If you have an understanding, you always say, "My husband - a real man!"

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