Thursday, March 29, 2012

Exercises for the eyes

As you know, the eyes - a mirror of the soul. But what if you began to notice fatigue and redness of your eyes? Watering? The circles under your eyes? And then blurred vision. Most women use an arsenal of tools to fight with the investigation of the whole day at your desk, or a home computer.

Tea lotion, special eye drops, creams for the treatment of external signs of fatigue. But many doctors are advised to remove the cause, or cure the effects are much more complicated. Modern monitors, as well as new models of laptops have greatly ease the strain on the eyes. Now more and more expanding sales laptops asus - very high quality laptops with screens pleasing to the eye. Also, a special coating technology points to help reflect the negative impact of the computer. However, these tools will help to protect yourself 100%. This does not mean that you have to opt out of the computer. Enough after 45-60 minutes of work at the computer to give your eyes a rest - to make this special exercises for the eyes.

Every hour direct your mind away for 2-3 minutes to rest (especially with severe pain and fatigue), just close your eyes for the same time, and do not forget about yourself gymnastics. To charge the eye to move left, it does not turn his neck. After 5-7 seconds, look in the right direction. Repeat 4 times for a break.

Within 10 seconds, blink hard, after the close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds. Opening his eyes, look away during the same short period. Repeat 3-5 times for a rest.

Lift your eyes up, count to three, then lower the gaze downward, and again count to three. Take a break for a few seconds and repeat 3-5 times.

Finally, the rotational movement of the eyes. First, from left to right, and then vice versa. Repeat this exercise continuously for two times in each direction, do so one approach to 3-4.

In the early days of the exercises can be given hard enough, but soon your eyes to adjust, and you will feel better, feel the rush of courage and strength. I think that even a small set of exercises for the eyes will not only take care of health, but also gives a pleasant and rewarding stay in during the day.

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