Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Interesting facts about chocolate

Chocolate - the delicious products for adults and children. For children chocolate is sweet (especially dairy), for adults - a charge of energy for the whole day (black). Chocolate made from cocoa beans, from the Latin meaning "food of the gods." Milk chocolate contains milk products, and much sweeter than black look. It is believed that the operation of dark chocolate is much more useful than the milk, due to the less dilute the content of the components of cocoa. Here are some examples to prove the miraculous properties of dark chocolate, and other interesting facts.

    Sami cocoa beans are very bitter, so the more the percentage of their content, the stronger the property. For greater palatability of the usual dark chocolate add sugar.
Caffeine in chocolate is less than in coffee. For example, in coffee contains about 40 mg of caffeine (150 g of coffee), and chocolate 150grammovom about 20-30 mg.
Chocolate is credited with a truly magical properties: due to the flavonoid content of cocoa substance "tone" of cardio-vascular system, so to some extent, it can be used to prevent heart disease. Also, it is believed that chocolate "protects" against cancer.
Chocolate contains cannabinoids, typical narcotic substances (marijuana) and stimulants theobromine. But their content is so small that, to achieve an equivalent effect should eat at least 13 pounds of cocoa products.
Theobromine affects more women than men. It stimulates female hormone secretion. There is a statement that dark chocolate helps with PMS in women, because it contains magnesium.
The Aztecs used cocoa products as an aphrodisiac (a substance for sexual desire). Yes, and chocolate, although a small degree, but it contains substances (endorphins - the hormone of pleasure and happiness) emitted by the body during sexual intercourse.
Theobromine is a toxin, and a certain dose of a substance can have a lethal effect on animals. However, the metabolism of a substance on the human body does not have any negative consequences.
It is believed that chocolate has the properties of an antidepressant. But there are opinions, completely refute this fact. So, if you do not help treatment with sweets, the chocolate will not be able to improve mood.
It is believed that chocolate stimulates the mental work, so before every control, tests, exams, parents give their child a piece of chocolate.
In one chocolate bar (100g) will gain about 500 calories. Therefore, the product should be taken in small doses. But with depression, especially caused by the diets, there is a recipe for "fun" to lose weight. For breakfast, eat a regular dose of calories (do not wear down the body in the morning). For lunch, you eat a whole bar of 100-gram chocolate. That's how much calories contains a full breakfast, lunch, and even for some dinner. You can prolong the pleasure: as they become hungry to eat a slice, and so stretch till evening (five hours). For dinner, eat something light, such as soup, salad, add some rice, buckwheat, you dopoluchili necessary vitamins and minerals. During the dinner, do not overeat. Better then to seize their hunger some fruit or vegetables, than to overeat and ruin the whole effect of weight loss. Thanks to the chocolate you get all the necessary micronutrients, ineffable pleasure of taste and good humor and good spirits. Though slowly, but your body will lose weight.

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