The dispute "thin persons" and "fatties" izvechen and truth in it you will not find, because, as you know how many people - so many opinions. Every age brings its correctness proof of this or that point of view. It is difficult to talk about the pros and cons of physique. Many bbw with undisguised envy at the shapely women unhappy bbw ready to literally stop at nothing to become slender and tiny, but not all succeed.
Perhaps you'll be surprised, but not all hudyshki delighted with his physique. Some hard, but in vain trying to get fat, filling your stomach, high-calorie foods and making sure that the movement in their lives as little as possible. But these ladies do not always achieve what you want.
Why is this happening, why is not everyone is happy, why do we constantly "tirelessly and with some extraordinary zeal we seek faults in yourself, find them and take out the light, constantly discussing this or that bodily problems and ways to get rid of the disadvantages?
When we finally learn how to focus more on its own merits, which we have, without doubt, the more why we are so biased and why for us the figure of a friend is an unattainable ideal?
But times are changing, and women always want to arouse the interest of men, and nothing surprising in such an effort is not all very simple - the instinct of procreation. But these same individuals male and Nothing will tempt contribute to procreation, if the appearance of women is far from accepted to date standards of beauty. Well, have we, unhappy women, in order to attain happiness, to change in favor of a particular spirit of the times.
Who is "plump" are in the pen, but "hudyshka" is a clear preference. But no matter how fat women or railed about harmony, detract from the benefits they can not last. Oh, how these "dumplings" just not scold "thin persons," which only a metaphor and comparison, or fly from their lips: too lean, it is as roach, and there is nothing attractive in it - nothing but skin and bones, and flat-it like a board.
Similar expressions abound, but these attacks do not take to heart: you, then you know that you are slim, attractive, beautiful look, and your only young slim you, so be glad that you do not have to worry about dropping excess weight n You can have anything you want. Is not that wonderful?
And these fat women are dripping poison in your address because of their corrosive envy. Of course, how could they put on a mini-skirt with thigh-such? Where are there - only robes they will look well, hiding all of their immense bodily substance.
And what exactly should be considered underweight? The criteria are different. Some consider thinness ideal body condition, someone finds that thinness - a sign of ill health.
Why do people come in thick and thin? What does it depend? The underlying factor is genetic predisposition. If, say, all your relatives differs overweight, then - nowhere to go - you are destined to be the fate of the donuts. The only thing in your power - it is through physical exercise to strengthen muscles and give your Teles pleasing shape of the female body, and not to remind his powerful torso shapeless lump.
In addition to this basic factor, there are many others. We have already mentioned in this book about the important processes in the human body, like metabolism. During slow metabolism of people gain weight, but at too fast - losing weight, as calories burned, failing to properly be absorbed by the body. And if your metabolism is all right, it proceeds normally, neither overweight nor excessive thinness will not threaten, do not contribute to the emergence of a deviation.
So, you - the very slim. Whether you just watch her figure, or God make your life easier by creating a harmonious, whether your thinness contributed to any other reason - it does not matter. The main thing - you do not run around in search of new diets and means for burning fat and you do not understand those unfortunates who look longingly at the high-calorie foods, not daring to touch it. Here's one of the advantages of thinness. You can not limiting ourselves to anything, there's everything you wanted, and not to worry about but the extra calories. Just because this one should give thanks to God.
The advantages of thinness are obvious: you occupy much less space, so that it's easier to move in a crowded public transport, in short, you are more mobile than fat aunt.
In addition, you have no restrictions on the choice of clothes. You can wear almost everything: the long and short, and narrow and wide, but it is, of course, provided that your figure has serious flaws.
However, some unhappy sufferer, and their harmony: they want to their body has become a pleasant roundness and shape became more lush. Of course, they want these changes to attract the attention of the opposite sex. That in this case, we can advise you?
Engage in physical exercise, and perhaps after a while you'll get what you want. Unfortunately, some decide what to give her the desired forms by using the abundant food and little "mobile lifestyle, that is, after a hearty lunch, a nap should not forget the meal just before bedtime, with dinner on your caloric abundance and should not be give dinner or lunch. This way you gain weight, according to the desired roundness of forms does not get. We think that such a result you have in any case are not satisfied.
The people ... believed that the fat man and a healthy person - identical concepts. Unfortunately, this statement is very far from the truth, but rather should be considered a healthy slim (but not bad - the extremes should be avoided!) Rights. Why is this addition is a sign of health?
It turns out that obesity by itself (if it is, of course, is not due to an illness, but only the result of excesses in eating and sedentary lifestyle) leads eventually to the emergence of a whole bunch of diseases. In the first place in this sad list are diseases of the cardiovascular system, leading to all sorts of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis.
In addition, the legs hard enough to carry from place to place malopodemnuyu carcass, and they start protesting, demonstrating. His character edema, pain in joints and other such unpleasant symptoms. If the owner does not want to listen to the feet of their protests, they can easily throw something pohlesche, such as varicose veins. And this is a serious disease.
Let's talk a little bit ... more about what women like men. Despite the fact that one of the main arguments in favor of completeness - sympathy of many men is to pyshnotelye women, we all know that the slim, skinny women love no less.
The opinion of the opposite sex - it is not the last, but keep in mind that by changing the shape in one direction or another, you're doing it primarily for myself, so before you decide, consider: what, strictly speaking, do you see yourself in the ideal?
Currently in vogue is slender women, but to keep up with fashion seriously. In our view, it is best to keep their identity - regardless of fashion trends. Because of this capricious lady is almost impossible to keep up: that thin on the crest of a wave is complete. How to be in this situation, do not become a permanent fact on the same diet to sit down, then raskarmlivat itself to meet international standards.
If we talk about another possible way to adjust the figure - Plastic Surgery, the first thing to do here, of course, say that it is fun enough, expensive, besides the human body is not made of iron, and expose themselves to such pressures is dangerous.
In general, summing up our conversation about the benefits of complete and thinness, so to speak: both are good, if moderately, and the extremes in a weight ratio should be avoided. Keep yourself and love yourself just the way you are. with all its faults and virtues.
Perhaps you'll be surprised, but not all hudyshki delighted with his physique. Some hard, but in vain trying to get fat, filling your stomach, high-calorie foods and making sure that the movement in their lives as little as possible. But these ladies do not always achieve what you want.
Why is this happening, why is not everyone is happy, why do we constantly "tirelessly and with some extraordinary zeal we seek faults in yourself, find them and take out the light, constantly discussing this or that bodily problems and ways to get rid of the disadvantages?
When we finally learn how to focus more on its own merits, which we have, without doubt, the more why we are so biased and why for us the figure of a friend is an unattainable ideal?
But times are changing, and women always want to arouse the interest of men, and nothing surprising in such an effort is not all very simple - the instinct of procreation. But these same individuals male and Nothing will tempt contribute to procreation, if the appearance of women is far from accepted to date standards of beauty. Well, have we, unhappy women, in order to attain happiness, to change in favor of a particular spirit of the times.
Who is "plump" are in the pen, but "hudyshka" is a clear preference. But no matter how fat women or railed about harmony, detract from the benefits they can not last. Oh, how these "dumplings" just not scold "thin persons," which only a metaphor and comparison, or fly from their lips: too lean, it is as roach, and there is nothing attractive in it - nothing but skin and bones, and flat-it like a board.
Similar expressions abound, but these attacks do not take to heart: you, then you know that you are slim, attractive, beautiful look, and your only young slim you, so be glad that you do not have to worry about dropping excess weight n You can have anything you want. Is not that wonderful?
And these fat women are dripping poison in your address because of their corrosive envy. Of course, how could they put on a mini-skirt with thigh-such? Where are there - only robes they will look well, hiding all of their immense bodily substance.
And what exactly should be considered underweight? The criteria are different. Some consider thinness ideal body condition, someone finds that thinness - a sign of ill health.
Why do people come in thick and thin? What does it depend? The underlying factor is genetic predisposition. If, say, all your relatives differs overweight, then - nowhere to go - you are destined to be the fate of the donuts. The only thing in your power - it is through physical exercise to strengthen muscles and give your Teles pleasing shape of the female body, and not to remind his powerful torso shapeless lump.
In addition to this basic factor, there are many others. We have already mentioned in this book about the important processes in the human body, like metabolism. During slow metabolism of people gain weight, but at too fast - losing weight, as calories burned, failing to properly be absorbed by the body. And if your metabolism is all right, it proceeds normally, neither overweight nor excessive thinness will not threaten, do not contribute to the emergence of a deviation.
So, you - the very slim. Whether you just watch her figure, or God make your life easier by creating a harmonious, whether your thinness contributed to any other reason - it does not matter. The main thing - you do not run around in search of new diets and means for burning fat and you do not understand those unfortunates who look longingly at the high-calorie foods, not daring to touch it. Here's one of the advantages of thinness. You can not limiting ourselves to anything, there's everything you wanted, and not to worry about but the extra calories. Just because this one should give thanks to God.
The advantages of thinness are obvious: you occupy much less space, so that it's easier to move in a crowded public transport, in short, you are more mobile than fat aunt.
In addition, you have no restrictions on the choice of clothes. You can wear almost everything: the long and short, and narrow and wide, but it is, of course, provided that your figure has serious flaws.
However, some unhappy sufferer, and their harmony: they want to their body has become a pleasant roundness and shape became more lush. Of course, they want these changes to attract the attention of the opposite sex. That in this case, we can advise you?
Engage in physical exercise, and perhaps after a while you'll get what you want. Unfortunately, some decide what to give her the desired forms by using the abundant food and little "mobile lifestyle, that is, after a hearty lunch, a nap should not forget the meal just before bedtime, with dinner on your caloric abundance and should not be give dinner or lunch. This way you gain weight, according to the desired roundness of forms does not get. We think that such a result you have in any case are not satisfied.
The people ... believed that the fat man and a healthy person - identical concepts. Unfortunately, this statement is very far from the truth, but rather should be considered a healthy slim (but not bad - the extremes should be avoided!) Rights. Why is this addition is a sign of health?
It turns out that obesity by itself (if it is, of course, is not due to an illness, but only the result of excesses in eating and sedentary lifestyle) leads eventually to the emergence of a whole bunch of diseases. In the first place in this sad list are diseases of the cardiovascular system, leading to all sorts of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis.
In addition, the legs hard enough to carry from place to place malopodemnuyu carcass, and they start protesting, demonstrating. His character edema, pain in joints and other such unpleasant symptoms. If the owner does not want to listen to the feet of their protests, they can easily throw something pohlesche, such as varicose veins. And this is a serious disease.
Let's talk a little bit ... more about what women like men. Despite the fact that one of the main arguments in favor of completeness - sympathy of many men is to pyshnotelye women, we all know that the slim, skinny women love no less.
The opinion of the opposite sex - it is not the last, but keep in mind that by changing the shape in one direction or another, you're doing it primarily for myself, so before you decide, consider: what, strictly speaking, do you see yourself in the ideal?
Currently in vogue is slender women, but to keep up with fashion seriously. In our view, it is best to keep their identity - regardless of fashion trends. Because of this capricious lady is almost impossible to keep up: that thin on the crest of a wave is complete. How to be in this situation, do not become a permanent fact on the same diet to sit down, then raskarmlivat itself to meet international standards.
If we talk about another possible way to adjust the figure - Plastic Surgery, the first thing to do here, of course, say that it is fun enough, expensive, besides the human body is not made of iron, and expose themselves to such pressures is dangerous.
In general, summing up our conversation about the benefits of complete and thinness, so to speak: both are good, if moderately, and the extremes in a weight ratio should be avoided. Keep yourself and love yourself just the way you are. with all its faults and virtues.
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