Monday, November 28, 2011

Artificial nails-harm?

What a girl nowadays do without manicure and artificial nails, they are really a lot, but questions about the dangers of even more. Try to understand.

Materials for nail health hazard is unlikely, acrylic and gel is widely used in dentistry, and nails are not teeth.

Nail extensions damage your own nails - here it all depends on the master, after all, the barber may inadvertently hurt the ear.

Own nail extensions by not breathing, so there may be infection-on the contrary protect artificial nails, natural nails and nail for accrued personal can not penetrate. Where's the harm?

Especially do not forget that artificial nails not be worn at all times, there is obvious damage, but some minimal with proper care. Care must be thorough and meticulous. Just not in any case should not take very artificial nails, trust is a spicy thing a professional.

It should also bring a lot of examples for or against the nails. If you still doubt the harm of this procedure, it is still better to consult a professional, rather than listening to incompetent advice

1 comment:

  1. artificial nails are no harm. Just take care of your fingers/toes, clean them up every once in a while, you'll be fine.
