Monday, November 28, 2011

Beautiful Skin? ... Easy!

Every girl, woman, and even the girl always strive to be beautiful, and so a lot of money in the world buys creams. Occupy a special place of cream of wrinkles!

What have we women usually pay attention, but of course the fact that in a jar of cream were the words of wrinkles, but still we like to see the notation that is present in the cream, vitamin E.
Vitamin E It is called vitamin "of youth and fertility," as a powerful antioxidant, it slows down the aging process in the body.
So what's the problem? In virtually every pharmacy can be found in the vitamin E capsules, intended for injection, add the cream, and cream instantly becomes your cream with vitamin E.
In addition to the cream of this vitamin can be prepared different masks on their nutrient will be absolutely no worse than professional.
For example, oily skin is a very effective mask consisting of vitamin E, honey and egg yolk, dry, sour cream and the vitamin.
It will be useful not forget about the other vitamins, which can be purchased in pharmacies simple. With dull and brittle to cope brilliantly vitamin A, and from cracks and scabs at the corners of your mouth will help Vitamin B2.

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