Monday, November 28, 2011

Nails Design

That can turn your lovely hands a work of art? That's right, nail design!

A wonderful way to attract the attention of the opposite sex and can call the "quiet" envy her.
Any decoration of the nail to be a professional polish or nail art, nail design will be. Various kinds of manicure and styles (French, American, Spanish).
French manicure is suitable for any dress and well, it runs with acrylics, but the tip of the nail is painted white or built up. To nail design has no boundaries. Paint brushes nails, done with acrylic paints, varnishes and sequins. To add a drawing and decorative objects (beads, ribbons, crystals).
That there is only one direction in the design of nails - their piercings. yes men do not understand. For artificial nails is characterized by "aquarium" design and drawing, as it were covered with a convex glass.
Just take care of their nails, while its design frills.

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