Sunday, April 22, 2012

As a girl to choose a profession?

After school, each of us thinks about issues such as: "What to do?", "Where to go?", And "what to do?". This is a problem inherent to all graduates - Self-determination, which is not a complete surprise, as the result of long work on the recognition of himself, his interests, capabilities and requirements in a particular profession.

The need for professionals in their field, at present, is high enough, and prospects, of course, attractive. Most employers have long come to the conclusion that a highly qualified specialist is not just necessary, but vital!

All of us know this proverb: "All professions are needed, all professions are important," but still, the profession should be chosen according to your taste, ability, and demanded to watch whether the high-paying profession and there it is!

Since ancient times, it happens so that a profession for women associated with the care and nursing, with training and education. Professions associated with heavy physical labor often choose our man. We can not imagine a woman builder, as well as a man - a nanny.

Provide you with just a small list of occupations for which strengthened the concept of "women's professions": - Accountant - Sold food - Cashier - Inspector HR - Stewardess - Secretary - Beauty - Teacher - Conductor - Educator; - Barber-Stylist - Nurse - makeup artist - manicure and pedicure - a librarian.

As you can see that basically all of these professions require a non-conflict and skills to communicate with clients and attention to detail, that is, these qualities are inherent in us - women.

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